Brother Greg McFadden
I grew up in Livonia, Michigan where I attended Galilean Baptist Church. It was at the age of five that I got saved. In 1993, at Bible Believers Youth Camp in Angola, Indiana, I made a decision to give my life to the Lord and to get serious about serving him. When I turned 18, I started attending Prayer Baptist Church in Westland, Michigan.
In 2003, I got married to Amanda and we got involved in the bus ministry at church. In a few short years, we found ourselves teaching the Junior High class. After a year of teaching (through different circumstances), the Lord led us to run the Teen Department.
God has given me a burden to work with the teens through church, youth rallies, teen retreats, and teen camp. I have seen great things happen, from them getting saved to getting their lives right with God. We do a lot of activities a year, but as much as I love recreational fun, I believe that the most important activities are centered on Godly preaching (1 Corinthians 1:18).
I enjoy being involved with the KJVTEENS4CHRIST. We are not the biggest group of churches, but I believe that we are all on the same page from a biblical point of view, especially the ideas we have about teen camp, youth rallies, etc. All of us love being goofy and making teens laugh, but at the end of the day we want the focus of camp and youth rallies to be on the preaching.
Looking back I have no regrets. There have truly been some tough times, but God has been good and faithful. I thank God that He has led me to the position that I am in and that He uses me, in spite of me. I am thankful that He gave me a godly wife who is willing to work next to me, and I am also thankful that I have a pastor who is very supportive of our youth department.
Bro. Greg
Revelation 3:20