“Zoom meeting on March 28 at 8pm for any counselor/adult interested in coming to camp. We request at least one representative from each church.”
Annual Rock-a-thon Event
January 16, 2024
Dear Youth Pastor/Youth Leader/Parent(s):
As we start the new year and think about what God has for each of our churches and young people, we cannot help but think about teen camp and the great impact it will have on each of their lives. It is with God’s grace that we once again have the honor and privilege to provide a teen camp at Fort Faith Baptist Camp for our teenagers, July 15th – 19th.
The cost for teen camp this year per adult and teen will be $210 plus registration cost (please see attached letter for cost and due dates). Fundraisers may be needed to help each and every teen have the opportunity to attend. We will be hosting our camp annual fundraiser at Victory Baptist Church, 3642 Washington St, Hartland, MI 48353 that we encourage each of you to partake in, along with your own individual fundraisers held at your local church.
This fundraiser is the KJV Teens 4 Christ annual Rock-A-Thon where each teen comes and rocks in a rocking chair for 15 hours with breaks given throughout. Each teen raises pledges donated by sponsors and all the money goes towards their individual camp cost. This has been a HUGE success in the past with some raising enough money to cover the full cost of camp. Enclosed you will find a copy of the sponsor slip that we use at our church. Feel free to use the same form or come up with one of your own.
We are asking that each teen/adult/helper attending the Rocker-a-thon abide by the dress code set for teen camp (please see the enclosed Standards and Guidelines).
The Rock-A-Thon will start Friday, Feb. 23rd at 6pm until 9am on Saturday, Feb. 24th. We ask that each church attending bring $5 per teen to help cover some of the expenses which include dinner (pizza), snacks, drinks, games, etc. Also, we encourage any teen/counselor to take advantage of the early registration cost of $20, especially if attending this event! Enclosed is the teen camp registration form and the camp forms required at registration per adult. These are also available on the website kjvteens4christ.com. Keep in mind that after the Rock-A-Thon (Feb. 24th), the price for registration goes up to $30 due by March 31st and a late Registration of $40 due by July 1st. A rocking chair must be provided for each teen and can be brought with you that night or you can contact the church to drop off earlier that week or to see about available rocking chairs if coming from out of town. Please RSVP to Pastor Jason at (248) 231-3341 by Feb. 19th.
If you have any questions regarding the upcoming Rock-A-Thon please don’t hesitate to contact Youth Pastor Jason Porter, VBC or Kara G. We look forward to having you all at the Rock-A-Thon and pray it will be a time of help, encouragement and anticipation for camp!
Kara Guenther,
KJV Teens 4 Christ Secretary, (248) 563-2628 cell, karaguenther@aol.com, VBC 810-632-6337