Youth Pastor Jason Porter
I started going to church at the age of 8. Being from a broken home my father came every other Sunday and picked me up to take me to church. We attended Prayer Baptist Church in Westland MI where Pastor Larry Bartlett just started to take over as the new Pastor. Soon I started going every Sunday and Wednesdays with my dad.
I will never forget the Special Meeting that was held where the first time I realized that I was lost and on my way to Hell. Evangelist Greg Patton was bringing a series on Demons. That night I was scared to death and couldn’t sleep. I kept thinking of the message and knowing where I was headed. The next morning I woke up my father and began to tell him the whole story. My Father sat me down and began to show me through the scriptures on salvation and on November 25th, 1985 I received Jesus Christ as my personal Savior.
Through my teen years our family started to attend South Side Baptist Tabernacle in Ypsilanti MI under the Pastoral ship of Jimmy Walker and who also was my Youth Pastor. Those years I believe, were life changing in which the Lord started dealing with me and leading me into what His will would be for my life. I started working with the ministry of our Jr. and Beginner Church programs in High School and had a blast!
After I graduated from High School I didn’t know what the Lord wanted me to do quite yet. I attended a year at Baptist Bible Collage in Springfield MO. with the major of Pastoral Missions. When I came home my Pastor wanted me to help teach their Jr. Church and soon take on the class myself. Seeing those kids light up singing and having fun in the Lord blessed my heart and I felt the Lord calling me into the ministry.
In 1997 the Lord called me to Victory Baptist in Clarkston MI under the Pastoral ship of Bob Nogalski. It was a young church in which there was some sort of S.S. but in need of someone to refine it. In 2002 (now married) my wife and I took on the position of Youth Pastor. The Lord showed us a lot through the years of what works and what doesn’t. There were struggles but mostly blessings and He gave us some great experiences.
In 2002 the Lord brought a new adventure in our ministry. With Pastor Ryan (then Youth Pastor) along with Youth Pastor Jase Divens, we formed the KJV Teens 4 Christ Ministries. In 2007 we held our 1st Annual Teen Camp at Fort Faith in Morley, MI in which the Lord brought the help of Prayer Baptist Church (where I first started going to church and received Christ) and Youth Leader Greg McFadden.
In 2008, the Lord moved our family to Victory Baptist of Hartland MI, under the Pastoral ship of Ryan Guenther, and in 2009 I took the position of Youth Pastor and the Lord has blessed since.
There have truly been some rough times, but God has been good. I thank God that He has led me to the position that I am in and that He uses me, in spite of me. I am thankful for a wife who is willing to work next to me, and blessed us with 5 children I am also thankful that I have a pastor who is very supportive of our youth department. But the most exciting part of this ministry is seeing the children and the teens that we’ve taught grow up and have ministries of their own and seeing them serve the Lord.
In HIS Strength,
Youth Pastor Jason Porter
Philippians 4:13