

Pastor Ryan Guenther

In 2002, the Lord grew a burden within me to launch the KJVTEENS4CHRIST youth ministries. What options is there for our teenagers? With some others like minded to provoke a general involvement from the youth, Bible quizzes, and developing young preachers, we are now going strong almost 20 years later.

“Is there not a cause?” is the continual spark. The desire to reach our youth for the cause of Christ is a continual mission field. Someone has to “stand in the gap” and  KJVTEENS4CHRIST Youth Rallies, along with the installation of teen camp at Fort Faith continually bears fruit unto this day.

This Baptist Ministry stands on the foundation of the King James Bible as the Words of God, rightly divided. In addition, an example should be set with dress standards. (look for my article entitled “Hot Potato”.

Along the way, the Lord has added some Bible-believing men to this ministry. God is good. Although numbers can be exciting, we are more concerned with QUALITY vs. QUANITY. It is more important to have true substance rather than numbers with compromise. A dead possum left on the side of the road gets bigger after a week. “Getting bigger” is not always a good thing. The possum was filled with death.

Call me anytime. (248) 563-7705
For the cause of Christ,
Pastor Ryan Guenther